Today I made salsa. Not just any salsa, but the homemade
salsa recipe that my mom has perfected over the years. However, I did add a few
unique touches: i.e. jalapenos and spicy taco sauce! It was and/is some of the
best salsa I have had in a long time and greatly surpasses Applebees’ recipe.
(Which means that I get to save some money this week by not going to get half
off apps after nine.). Salsa is surprisingly healthy- my recipe is
straight up just tomatoes, peppers, onion, and cilantro. Veggies and more
veggies. Unfortunately I don’t have a food processor so it’s usually quite
chunky, until today when I realized I could throw it all in my blender. Which
was quite successful, might I add.
This is a good reminder to me about what I eat and why I
eat. Obviously one eats to give the body sustenance and to enjoy the flavor.
But I’ve recently been thinking more about how what I eat makes me feel. Ever
since I was a small child I have been plagued with migraines, and from a very
young age I was told to be very careful and aware of what I was eating. Because
for me my migraines are triggered by food—too much dairy, too much candy, too
much protein, too much happiness. It seemed to me that everything I ate was a
“trigger” and that there was no way I could give it all up, so instead I simply
continued to eat what I wanted to eat, when I wanted to eat it. Flash forward a
few years and you will see that my migraines never got any better, although I
got a bit better at functioning when they struck (minus the vomiting part, you
can never really get good at that).
Recently though I have realized something. Something I
probably should have realized a long time ago, but alas…I’m a slow learner.
When I eat a healthy amount of food and am very careful about what I put inside
of my body, I can splurge on candy and treats—all the things I’ve always eaten,
but now can eat without succumbing to the migraines of doom. If I haven’t eaten
breakfast and I have a pop tart for lunch (something that happens at school
sometimes), I can expect a full blown migraine by the end of the day. Even if I
eat some healthy food after the treat, my body will just shut down on me.
So lets flash-forward to today. I have been lifting weights
and working out three days a week and I have been focusing on what I eat. Not
because of some new years resolution, not because I hate my body, and not
because I am trying to look like what society expects a woman to look like.
Instead I have been eating healthy because, shocker, doing so makes my body feel
better. I have been lifting weights because I want to be strong, confident, and
I want to feel good about my body. Sure my body has been changing, and I’m not
going to lie, I think it has been changing for the better, but that doesn’t
mean I will reach some sort of goal down the road and quit lifting. I lift
three times a week because that gives me three times to add more weight to the
bar, to pull myself up higher, and to squat a little bit lower. My self-esteem
has shot through the roof and I’m noticing changes in my body that I never
would have noticed had I resigned myself to mindless cardio for the rest of my
life. (Not that cardio is a bad form of exercise, in fact I can’t wait to start
running outside again, but rather cardio was never effective for me to make me
feel good about my body and myself).
If only I had realized sooner that in order to feel better
about myself I simply needed to alter the way I treated myself. It seems like
such an obvious solution but it has evaded me from twenty-two years. Luckily I
have a full life ahead of me, one that I will fully enjoy after finally
realizing how to reach my full potential.